Known Oway Hcolor Variations

2 products

After receiving multiple community reports and performing our own Quality Control Assessment, the Simply Organic team has identified tonal inconsistencies on the following Oway Hcolor batch numbers and shades:

• 6.0 -   Batch # 212670333 and #212670334
• 7.0 -   Batch # 211160168 and #212670332
• 6.01 - Batch #212710345

If you have purchased these batch numbers (only available since May 2022), please reach out to your account manager and we will make it right! 

If you have any additional challenges to report beyond these known batch numbers, please provide the following:

  • Photos of the Batch # (located on the bottom of the box and end of the Hcolor Tube) and Color Shade/Type
  • Photos of the result (if possible)
  • Any other feedback on the Oway Hcolor Experience

Please know, we do not take this situation lightly, and have decided to temporarily pause online sales of these three shades as we gain additional clarity from Oway Italy.

In the meantime, we are committed to providing you with the support you need to navigate these temporary challenges and welcome you to Call or Email us with any questions or concerns.

    2 products
    Hcolor 6.0 Natural Dark Blonde
    Hcolor 7.0 Natural Blonde (3.4oz)